When you purchase a product or service, you expect to get what you pay for. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Some businesses make big profits by taking advantage of customers. Whether they overpromise and underdeliver, fail to meet their terms of sale, engage in bait and switch schemes, or even falsify information related to customers’ purchases, unscrupulous companies may operate for years while preying on thousands or even millions of innocent people.
At the Law Office of Joel A. Levine, our Texas consumer fraud lawyers stand up for the rights of people who were deceived or ripped off by scamming companies. Businesses that engage in deceptive practices often count on consumers not knowing their rights, but they don’t always count on those customers having experienced law firms on their side. If you or someone you love was victimized by a company that violated consumer law, we want to help.
What Are Common Types of Consumer Fraud?
There are many types of consumer fraud, including:
- False advertising
- Credit card fraud (stealing customers’ sensitive information)
- Pyramid schemes
- Fake credit score services
- Failure to meet warranty claims, quality standards, and service details
If you think you’re the victim of consumer fraud, it’s important to have an experienced lawyer on your side who can investigate your claim and start working to protect your rights. Many deceptive businesses use legal loopholes or are otherwise knowledgeable about consumer protection laws, giving them the upper hand when victimized customers file complaints or attempt to take action against them.
How We Can Help If a Company Took Advantage of You
Although some unscrupulous companies stay one step ahead of angry customers for many years, they can’t outrun a law firm that knows both state and federal consumer protection laws and that has experience helping victims get compensation. Our attorneys know your rights and what protects them, including the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and many more.
These acts don’t just force most businesses to be much more honest and straightforward with their advertising and sales practices, they also protect consumers when they’ve been victimized. However, the laws are complex, and because businesses exploit loopholes, it can be difficult for consumers to file effective claims on their own. That’s where we come in. Our knowledge and experience mean we can investigate what happened to you, collect evidence, and file a claim that’s designed to get results.
We’ll Work to Get You Maximum Compensation
At our law firm, we know it’s not enough to just prove that the offending business took advantage of you or your loved one. You also may have lost a significant amount of time, money, and even taken a major hit to your credit score, which can have long-lasting implications. Our Texas consumer fraud lawyers are all about getting results, and that means helping victims like you get the outcomes they deserve.
When we take on your claim, we’ll do everything in our power to maximize your chances of getting compensation. Whether that’s monetary compensation, a proper product repair or replacement, restoration of your credit score, or payment for your medical bills due to a faulty product depends on your claim and how the at-fault business tried to take advantage of you.
Get the Legal Representation You Need
Consumer fraud claims often move slowly when pursued by ordinary people, and businesses often make it difficult for victimized customers to contact them or pursue action against them. They may change names, addresses, or contact information, or they may be absorbed by other companies and leave very little trace of their original existence.
We know all of the tricks in the consumer fraud handbook, and we stay one step ahead of deceptive companies that try to rip off innocent people like you. Don’t let your hard-earned money line the pockets of a business that engages in fraud—call the Law Office of Joel A. Levine today for a Free Consumer Fraud Case Evaluation, and let us put our experience to work for you.