Broken Bones & Fractures from Austin Car Accidents
Bone fractures are a common and serious injury that can occur in a trucking accident. These fractures often occur in addition to other types of injuries, such as neck and back injuries, head injuries, and even amputations and paralysis. While broken bones are not always the most serious injuries a person sustains in a trucking accident, they require medical attention, significant medical costs, lost time for recovery, loss of income, and other damages. With more serious fractures, such as those affecting the hip bones or the spine, even greater damages may be incurred by the victim and their families.
If you or a loved one has suffered a broken bone, or fracture, in an auto or trucking accident, it is important to learn more about your legal rights and options. You may be able to seek compensation for your losses and suffering in a trucking accident lawsuit. For a free, confidential and no-obligation evaluation, please contact our qualified and experienced car accident attorneys today.
Read on to learn more about fractures.
What is a fracture?
A fracture is a break to one or more of the bones in the body. When trauma or force stronger than the bones themselves is subjected to these bones, they can break, or fracture. Vehicle accidents, including trucking accidents, are the cause of many fractures. Overuse of certain bones and underlying bone disease can increase the chances of one or more bones breaking in a trucking accident.
The affected bones, the type of fracture, and the related injuries determine the necessary treatment and the expected recovery time from this injury.
Types of Fractures
The bones in the body can fracture in different ways: they can be classified as incomplete or complete breaks, simple or compound fractures. With an incomplete fracture, the bones crack but do not break completely. Thus, incomplete fractures require less healing time than complete fractures involving a complete break of the bone. A simple fracture, also called a closed fracture, involves a bone that breaks but doesn’t break through the skin; whereas a compound (or open) fracture does puncture the skin. The latter needs more time to heal and can involve greater complications. Fractures are further classified by how the bone breaks.
Serious fractures
While any broken bone will cause pain, require medical attention and treatment, and cause losses and suffering, certain fractures are more serious than others. Serious fractures can include skull fractures, facial fractures, spinal fractures, and hip and pelvis fractures. These injuries can cause significant damage to surrounding organs, lead to temporary disability, and cause other significant pain and suffering.
Fractures and liability
When fractures or other serious injuries are sustained in a trucking accident, the responsible party can be held liable in a legal case. Please contact our qualified attorneys to learn more about your legal rights and options in a truck accident case.