Overview of Medical Bills in a Car Accident
Many people I see are confused over who pays the medical bills in a car accident, whether or not they are the at-fault party. After a car accident, medical bills can cause added stress, confusion and financial difficulty. It is possible you don’t have insurance or that the accident was of no fault of your own. You may be unable to work, which could cause a serious reduction in your income. After a car accident injury, it is important to understand who is responsible for paying those bills.
Liability Insurance
The person responsible for an accident is responsible for covering medical bills. However, there is no state or federal law that requires them to pay those bills as they come in. If you have your own car insurance, your company will often pay the bills until fault is established. Texas is not a no-fault insurance state, which means that liability coverage on your policy will reimburse for injuries that result in medical expenses. Every vehicle owner is required to have liability limits of $30,000 for each person in the vehicle, $60,000 per accident and $25,000 for property damage. If you are determined not to be at fault in the accident, your insurance company will work with the at-fault party’s insurance company to be reimbursed for their costs.
Health Insurance
If you have health insurance, it is possible that they will begin paying medical bills after a car accident when other forms of payment are exhausted. However, this is not the case with all policies. It is important to review your health insurance policy to see if medical expenses caused by a car accident are covered in the event other methods of payment are not available. After an accident, health insurance and liability insurance payment requirements can get confusing which is why discussing your options with an attorney is highly recommended.
Property Damage
In Texas, you have certain rights when it comes to both property damage and personal injury. Liability insurance does not cover damage to your vehicle and will not pay the value of the vehicle if it is beyond repair. The property damage included under the liability clause in your policy is to pay for damage to someone else’s property. For example, if you are at fault in the accident, your liability coverage will pay for the damage to the other person’s vehicle. It will also cover damage other than vehicles, such as trees, utility poles or structures that may be damaged during the accident. If your policy has comprehensive coverage, the insurance company will pay for repairs to your vehicle, or the value if it is totaled. Many times, owners of older vehicles will drop comprehensive coverage in order to save money. In this case, even if the other driver is at fault, it could be some time before you receive compensation to replace your vehicle.
Injuries and property damage after an auto accident can be physically and mentally devastating. Financial difficulties can become overwhelming and you may not know where to turn. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, contact the Law Office of Joel A. Levine, PLLC online or by phone today to learn what rights you may have. I even offer free consultations that you can request by contacting my office 24/7!
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